Depopulation of Animals Guidelines and Ethical Implications
December 6, 2024
By Laura J. Black, DVM, DACVP (Clinical)
This newsletter is evolving and at the moment, acting as a sort of blog, which is something we are wanting to launch in 2025 . . . But, for now, this next section is a topic that needs a lot more attention and input from veterinary professionals, including pathologists. As pathologists, we are more distanced from the acts of “bringing life into the world” (think theriogenologists, OB-GYNs, midwives, etc.) and “easing life out of the world” (hospice care, euthanasia, herd/flock depopulation) than our colleagues interacting directly with the patient. We are very much involved in the life and death of our patients, though, and have a unique perspective that is vital to understanding the pathologic processes of beginning life and ending life. Yes, this is pathophysiology.

The AVMA issues guidelines for many topics affecting animals and public health, including endorsing other associations guidelines (e.g., AAFP/AAHA antimicrobial stewardship guidelines). The AVMA has three categories of policy: 1. AVMA professional policies providing guidance on the practice of veterinary medicine; 2. Endorsed policies adopted by other groups and supported by the AVMA; 3. Administrative policies which are primarily internal and direct the operation of the association.
The policy that is under review currently falls within the first category, which tends to be the most influential. This is regarding “Depopulation of Animals”. The most recent update is from 2019 and a new update was released in 2024, but received enough scrutiny that they have extended the comment period until January 30, 2025. The AVMA designates Ventilation Shutdown Plus (VSD+) as “permitted in constrained circumstances” rather than the more restrictive “not permitted” classification. VSD+ is a method of shutting down ventilation systems in barns housing thousands or more animals, which decreases air flow, resulting in increased heat, humidity, and CO2 gas; method of death is hyperthermia/heatstroke.
I realize that not all of you are members of the AVMA, and only AVMA members are eligible to comment. Consider, too, becoming a member of the AVMA in order to exercise your voice for these important issues. Please note, this is NOT an endorsement of the AVMA by The Alliance by any stretch of the imagination! This is actually an endorsement for the Society for Veterinary Medical Ethics (SVME) which is a tiny organization, but growing, and needs pathologists as part of their voice. The SVME addressed this Depopulation of Animals guidelines repeatedly in the past year at their monthly member meetings, with guest speakers, town halls, and special emailed bulletins. So, really, first become a member of the SVME. You can access their past monthly newsletters and recordings of the monthly member meetings.
As a reminder, here is the Veterinarian’s Oath:
Being admitted to the profession of veterinary medicine, I solemnly swear to use my scientific knowledge and skills for the benefit of society through the protection of animal health and welfare, the prevention and relief of animal suffering, the conservation of animal resources, the promotion of public health, and the advancement of medical knowledge.
I will practice my profession conscientiously, with dignity, and in keeping with the principles of veterinary medical ethics.
I accept as a lifelong obligation the continual improvement of my professional knowledge and competence.
Resources, courtesy of the SVME and their president, Dr. Heather Woodke:
- AVMA Guidelines for the Depopulation of Animals
- The Rise of Heatstroke as a Method of Depopulating Pigs and Poultry: Implications for the US Veterinary Profession
- Addressing the use of heatstroke as method of killing millions of animals
- Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Outbreak
- Methods to Prevent Future Severe Animal Welfare Problems Caused by COVID-19 in the Pork Industry
- Classification of Ventilation Shutdown Methods in the AVMA Guidelines for the Depopulation of Animals